Increase Self-Esteem with Self Hypnosis & Subliminal Learning
Deeply accepting that you are a valuable and worth-while being is more likely to inspire you to do good things, treat others well, contribute to the world and others and improve yourself and health even more. Loving yourself sincerely and deeply brings out the best in you.
Any improper, selfish, hurtful, disrespectful, behavior, action or feeling actually comes from deep self-judgment, self-hatred, and self-rejection. Saying “I’m wonderful” and then mistreating others is not about high self-esteem. It is about low self-esteem. Only deep and truthful loving of yourself can bring out your most loving, caring, giving, and generous self. Self-esteem has recently gotten a bad name because it is being misunderstood. Being self-centered, self-focused, self-involved and singing your own praises is not self-esteem. Love is the source of all good things and thus loving yourself is the source of all good things that come from us. Loving yourself is also the source of loving others, while self-hatred is the source of many problems.
This program is designed to increase your self-esteem. High self-esteem means you value and appreciate yourself, and do everything you can to take care of yourself. You come to do all you can as a valuable worthwhile being. In this complex world, a strong sense of self or “high self-esteem” is necessary for a healthy living. The way that we value ourselves, and how much we respect our own ability to contribute to the world determines the way we live our lives. The quality of relationships and the degree of passion we allow ourselves to feel in our work and play is usually set by the way we feel about our own worth. Thoughts of self-hate, or even guilt feelings associated with success, keep us from achieving or enjoying that which we do achieve. This CD will help you to enjoy the peaceful feeling that comes with loving, honoring and valuing the precious gifts that you as a unique individual bring to the world.
This program will help you in a variety of ways. Whatever you need the most.Feel loved and appreciated. You will learn to feel more loving and appreciative of your self right now, wherever you are.
Become mentally healthy and more helpful to yourself. You will learn that by loving and appreciating yourself right now, you can more easily become more helpful and positive toward yourself and enjoy a healthy attitude.
Learn self love. You will learn the difference between real and deep self love and shallow egotistical self focus. You will learn to love yourself and share more love with others.
Heal old self worth wounds. Your unconscious will find and heal old wounds to your self worth and heal beliefs about yourself that held you back. Childhood wounds to self worth can heal and let you free. Old family teachings that harmed you can dissolve and melt.
Allow yourself to move forward. Forgiving yourself, so you can move forward and do better, will become much easier.
Let go of guilt. Letting go of guilt and self hatred will allow you to be more loving caring and generous. Parts of you that need love and caring can receive it from yourself for the first time.
Lose approval-seeking behavior. Destructive patterns of seeking approval from the wrong places can melt away.
Love fully, yourself and others. Mind, body, and spirit can become more in-tune with love, allowing yourself to become a more loving being.Loving your self clearly and deeply allows more loving of those around you.
For the best results, use this CD in combination with Creating Happiness, Self Confidence, Achieving Success and Goal Setting.
Track 1 is a Self-Hypnosis Learning Program (47:08 min.). Hypnosis is centuries old and time-tested, and new advances make it a potent, powerful and effective tool for tough problems. You are guided into a relaxed, natural learning state. Positive suggestions then fill your mind. Your unconscious mind is guided to help you greatly improve your success. Results can occur immediately. The more you use the program, the better it works. Use the hypnosis program no more than 2 or three times per day.
Track 2 is a Subliminal Learning Program with environmental sounds (30:03 min.). You will hear only the sounds of beautiful music and ocean waves. Hidden beneath these sounds are specially designed messages. Only your unconscious mind hears these healthy, powerful messages, turning them into positive feelings and improved self-esteem. As a result, you will give your self-permission to value, appreciate, care and love yourself.
Download Both MP3 tracks Self-Hypnosis & Subliminal Learning
$16 Downloads CD $18
[note]by: Dr. David Illig …… There are some writers, and even politicians, who are saying that the move towards “building self-esteem” has led to a generation of self-centered, unproductive, and low achieving young people who don’t try to accomplish much of anything and yet still demand a high amount of reward and appreciation. Therefore, self-esteem is a “bad” thing. This is a drastically wrong, destructive, and distorting way to view self-esteem. What they may be referring to is narcissistic personality disorder which is about having a totally self centered and self indulgent and distorted view of yourself and treating others poorly. TV, especially “reality” TV does seem to have a lot of people who are mostly narcissistic in nature. This is very different from healthy self-esteem. High self-esteem, in my definition, means an honest and clear sense of ones strengths and weaknesses, successes and failures. It also includes a sense of safety such that you can safely and honestly care for and appreciate other persons. “High self-esteem” is about embracing, loving, respecting and honoring our deepest self, independent of our accomplishments and status in life. By accepting and embracing our “built-in” great value, we are then free to strive for all the accomplishments and worthwhile behavior that fits our nature. High self-esteem gives us the safety to value and love and respect other people, both for their accomplishments, their actions, their character, their nature, as well as appreciating their deepest core value, which is beyond what they do or don’t do. We want to strive for and achieve and teach the form of self-esteem that allows us to do and be our best as well as supports others in doing and being their best. High self-esteem does assume a core of goodness, that is deeper than any of our good or bad actions or inactions. And it assumes this inner core of goodness will seed the greatest good for our self and others.
I truly believe we are all safer in a world where more and more of us value and appreciate ourselves, and consequently treat each other better. I also believe that the entire world is a better place when more people use programs such as SuccessWorld and RightMindPrograms. And I believe we get more out of our own use of the programs when more people use them. It becomes like a circle of healing that empowers us even more, than using it alone. Dr.