Quit Smoking with Self Hypnosis & Subliminal Learning

The Quit Smoking program is a hypnotic and subliminal learning program designed to help people stop smoking. There are many reasons to quit smoking, but how do you do it? Self-hypnosis has helped many to quit smoking in a way that was much easier than they believed possible. Hypnosis is centuries old and time-tested, and new advances make it a potent, powerful and effective tool for tough problems. With the Quit Smoking program, both your conscious brain and your unconscious mind are guided to help you stop smoking. Build new and more powerful motivations to Quit and stay Quit. Build new abilities, energies, powers and insights that help you Quit. Allow the program to go where it needs to go so YOU get the results that you need to Quit.
Use the Quit Smoking Program alone or along with other methods for quitting smoking, such as patches or smoking substitutes. You may find that the Quit Smoking program actually increases the impact of these treatments. And look forward to the pleasures of having quit! You’ll be so glad and happy and satisfied you quit. Something great to look forward to.
A large part of the reason people smoke is in their unconscious mind. It becomes a habit. Yes, you have subconscious/unconscious mind(s) that play a role in smoking and quitting. It makes sense that many of the solutions and much of the healing are also in your unconscious/subconscious. The Quit Smoking program will bring together the power of all of your resources so you can become a healthy ex-smoker, but unlike a non-smoker, you will be a little wiser and stronger from the learning experience of making important changes and improvements in your life. Quitting Smoking is a Great Accomplishment, seriously.
Becoming a non-smoker is one of the most important accomplishments you can achieve, and one worth being proud of. Ask your inner parts for help. Even your inner teenager can be influenced by the programs to help you quit what they may have started!
Available now in both MP3 and CD.
[note]This is how the Stop Smoking program can work for you:
- Change your attitude about not smoking. Being a non-smoker can be more pleasant, more relaxing, more satisfying.
- Smoking becomes distasteful. Old tastes can change to where cigarettes and tobacco begin to taste like burning old weeds.
- Bad habits change. Associations between smoking and other things, times, places, and people, etc., can lesson and lesson until there is no connection. They just become reminders that you are glad to become a non-smoker. More pleasant and healthy habits can grow to replace smoking.
- Self-healing. Your body can heal itself from the effects of smoking.
- Coping methods change. New interests and new healthier methods of coping with stress and anxiety replace smoking. You will find that breathing deeply and relaxing work better than smoking.
- Now is the time for change. You will realize its now time to let go of smoking and make new friends and new relationships.[/note]
The reasons why you started smoking and the reasons why you kept smoking can and will be released and let go. Holding on to smoking can be a thing of your past. You will find not smoking much more satisfying. For a complete program, use the following products in combination: Weight Loss, Calm and Relaxed, Reduce Stress and Anxiety, Achieving Success, and Self-Esteem.
Track 1 is a Self-Hypnosis Program (35:14 min.) You are guided into a relaxed, natural learning state. Positive suggestions then fill your mind. Use this program for three weeks before your last smoking date. Set this date firmly in your mind. You may even quit before this date if your desire disappears and the cigarettes become too distasteful. To help improve results, join an exercise program. Long steady exercise like walking, running, swimming, hiking, biking, etc., work best. Relaxation is important in a stop smoking program. Put together a wide range of relaxation tools and tactics that you can use and incorporate them into your daily schedule. Deep breathing, stretching, standing, tensing and relaxing muscles are examples. Do at least 20 repetitions per day. Results can occur immediately. The more you use the program, the better it works. Use no more than twice per day. Decide what works best for you.
Track 2 is a Subliminal Learning Program (35:42 min.) You hear only the sounds of beautiful music and ocean waves. Hidden beneath these sounds are specially designed messages. Only your unconscious mind hears these healthy, powerful messages, turning them into positive feelings and improved abilities. You easily break old smoking patterns! Use no more than two or three times per day.
[quote]“Just a line to thank Dr. Illig for his subliminal Quit Smoking Program. I discovered this program while stationed in Anchorage, Alaska with the US Army and gave it a try. Almost immediately I was able to quit smoking after 26 years of misery. It was truly the greatest thing I’ve done for myself and family. I am sure I couldn’t have been successfully smoke free these years without the use of that program. It has made me a believer in self hypnosis, subliminal learning and the power of the subliminal mind. Thank you Dr. Illig for saving my life…”
– Robert L.[/quote]
Download Both MP3 Tracks; Self-Hypnosis & Subliminal Learning
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