Become More Self-Confident with Self Hypnosis & Subliminal Learning
People who are not self-confident depend excessively on the approval of others in order to feel good about themselves. They tend to avoid taking risks because they fear failure. They generally do not expect to be successful. They often put themselves down and tend to discount or ignore compliments paid to them. Self-confidence is an important key to high performance, health and satisfaction in everything we do. Fortunately, developing more self confidence can be easy once you know how! Building Self-confidence is about building new conscious and subconscious beliefs, thoughts, perspectives, attitudes, images, freedoms and permissions. Its also about removing conscious and subconscious aspects of those similar things that have held us down and trapped in low self confidence.
Self-Hypnosis is a powerful self improvement practice that with regular use can be an effective tool for increasing self confident behavior and emotions. Self-Hypnosis is effective for building new internal programs as well as removing ineffective and destructive patterns. Use of self-hypnosis for increasing self confidence is an age old practice.
This SW program also includes a Subliminal Learning session. Within this session are thousands of subliminal messages you cannot consciously hear. However, your unconscious mind can hear and learn these suggestions easily. You will train your mind to let go of negative messages and replace them with positive self-images and ideas. You will have less doubt and more satisfaction and joy in your life as a result!
Use this CD in combination with Be Positive, Self-Esteem, Achieving Success and Goal Setting.
Track 1 is a Self-Hypnosis and Subliminal Program (46:00 min.). Hypnosis is centuries old and time-tested, and new advances make it a potent, powerful and effective tool for tough problems. You are guided into a relaxed, natural learning state, as positive suggestions then fill your mind. Your unconscious mind is guided to help you achieve a healthier, positive outlook. You will learn to be more relaxed and have more confidence in your daily life.
Track 2 is a Subliminal Learning Program (30:07 min.). You hear only the sounds of beautiful music and ocean waves. Hidden beneath these sounds are specially designed messages. Only your unconscious mind hears these healthy, powerful messages, turning them into positive feelings and improved abilities. Your unconscious mind will learn how to guide you to achieve your healthy goals and reverse old patterns.
Download Both MP3 tracks; Self-Hypnosis & Subliminal Learning